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Fernando J Lavalle-González, Carlos Antillón-Ferreira, Oscar Flores-Caloca, Eduardo Márquez-Rodríguez, Alicia Esmeralda Yépez-Rodríguez, Natalia De la Garza-Hernández, Angélica Martínez Ramos-Méndez, Raquel Noemí Faradji-Hazán, Paloma Almeda-Valdés, Aurora Mejía-Benítez. Recommendations of the use of continuous monitoring and assessment of glycemic variability in diabetes. Med Int Méx. 2020 marzo-abril;36(2):185-198.


In the last decade there have been important advances in the development of new technologies for the adjustment of therapy in patients with diabetes in order to avoid or reduce the risk of acute and chronic complications. Nowadays we can use the continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) that allows the detection of its variation during 24 hours a day, as well as episodes of hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia placing it as a novel and flexible option to reach and maintain glycemic control in these patients. The capillary self-monitoring shows specific information of the moment in which the glucose is measured; however, there are variations during the day and night (glycemic variability) that normally pass unnoticed. The behavior of glucose in patients with diabetes is complex and multifactorial; there are variables such as diet, exercise and associated comorbidities that must be carefully monitored. Therefore, CGM systems are useful to know the behavior of glucose during 24 hours and consequently, the physician can transmit to their patients the knowledge for interpretation and decisions based on the individualized needs of each patient. This paper presents recommendations of experts on the use of CGM, interpretation of data and their translation in therapeutic decisions.

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